Things to Know: Microdermabrasion
What is microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a technique used to renew skin tone and texture. An applicator with an abrasive surface is used to gently sand away the thick outer layer of the skin and remove spots, fine lines, and sun damage.
What preparation do I need to do beforehand?
In order to ensure that your skin is at the best condition to receive treatment, please avoid sun exposure, tanning creams and waxing a week before your scheduled appointment. As you get closer to appointment, stop using any exfoliating masks or scrubs/creams three days prior. Finally, before your appointment please remove any makeup.
What should I expect?
You will be seated in a chair and we will apply the treatment. This will take one hour and will not require any numbing agents. Your skin may feel a bit more dry and sensitive afterwards and a moisturizing cream will be applied.
What after care should I be mindful of?
Use gentle skincare products and keep your face hydrated with moisturizing creams.