Pricing and Offerings
Botox ®
Consultation Fee No Charge
Per Unit $9.99
Average costs ** note: cost will vary by case
Frown lines $200.00 - $400.00
Crows Feet $200.00 - $400.00
Forehead Wrinkles $160.00 - $320.00
Bunny Wrinkles $100.00 - $160.00
Jowl muscles $200.00 - $400.00
In addition, BOTOX®, in varying amounts, is used in conjunction with other advanced cosmetic procedures to enhance your desired look.
We will discuss your end goals and the amount of Botox units required to achieve your desired look.
Medical BOTOX®
Hyperhidrosis $1,050.00
(excess underarm perspiration, usually covered by third party insurance)
* Ask about the Hyperhidrosis Access Program
Skin Fillers
Consultation Fee NO CHARGE
HA filler $685.00
*(per syringe)
Juvederm - Acne scar Treatment
*Price varies depending on the degree of scarring
* Individual treatments may require more than one syringe
Comedonal (Black-head and White-head) extraction
Comedonal extractions $40.00
* (Includes freezing and Intralesional Kenalog (per extraction)
Extraction of Milia $40.00
* (per milia extracted)
Intralesional Kenalog Injections
Intralesional Kenalog Injections for rapid resolution of acute acne
inflammation (first 2 injections)
Intralesional Kenalog Injections per injection after the first 2 injections $10.00 /injection